A Trans Yurijin Manifesto

In honor of Yuri Day, which I missed but still can be a part of.

Yuri is existent. 

If a chair can be yuri, if a bench can be yuri, if an aquarium can be yuri, if an otherworldly realm can be yuri, if a school can be yuri, if an unmade bed is yuri, if Costco is yuri, if a library is yuri, if a shared dorm room is yuri, if tower is yuri, if becoming a car is yuri, if the power of the moon is yuri, if a karaoke room is yuri, if a club at midnight is yuri, if a basketball court is yuri, if the Earth is yuri, if space is yuri, if the bones in a body are yuri, if death is yuri, if a genre is yuri, if a song is yuri, if the softness of a voice is yuri, if a dungeon is yuri, if alchemical transformation is yuri, if silence can be yuri, then this too is yuri.

Intrinsic value at all levels.

If a person can like, if a person can love, if a person can be a fan, if a person can have passion, if a person can read, if a person can write, if a person can purchase, if a person can listen, if a person can see, if a person can stan, if a person can support, if a person can have interest, if a person can gain interest, if a person can exist, then they too contain the spirit of yuri and can be a fan of yuri.

Gender is yuri.

Gender is yuri. Gender is limitless. Gender does not have to contain itself to F x F. Gender can be bountiful in its existence, if only we let it. Gender can be Femme x Femme. Gender can be Butch x Butch. Gender can be Femme x Butch. Gender can be Butch x Femme. Gender can be Anything x Anything. Gender can be a soft touch, a gentle kiss, the meeting of the feminine. Gender is infinite. Gender is yuri.

Queer it.

Write the fic. Fuck with gender. Write the thrupple, the couple, to solitary lover. Make it queer. Make it asexual. Make it aromantic. Make it bisexual. Make it pansexual. Make it sapphic. Redefine sapphic. Queer it. Make it matter. 

Make the idea. Manifest the idea. Create the art. Make the media. Talk about what you love.

Stop caring if someone will like it. You like it. You love it. You crave it. You made it. You find worth in it thus it matters regardless of what kind of yuri it is.

Lilies all the way down.

Pluck the flower. Admire the bloom. Recognize the gardens that we walked through to get here. Acknowledge the lavender, the lilacs, the lilies. See the forest for the trees.

This too is yuri.

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